Stylus Energy
Embrace the Energy of the Future: Bet on Solar Energy for a More Sustainable Planet.
At Stylus Energy, we are revolutionizing the way energy is generated and distributed. Our focus on innovation and sustainability drives our commitment to a greener future.
Stylus Energy is at the forefront of the renewable energy revolution, offering cutting-edge solutions for a more sustainable tomorrow.

A Planning was made for an excellent result of solar energy productions, and to get this objective, the Stylus Energy makes these highlights below:

A 450 Wp Photovoltaic Plate was considered, with an electrical energy production efficiency of 23.50%;
The production of electrical energy over the 10 (ten) years of operation of the SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANT was considered constant, at 3,250,000 KWh/month for the total production of the 5 Power Plants;
The performance of the solar panels was considered constant throughout the 10 years of operation of the SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANT
A financial return to the Investor was considered within a period of 10 years;
The ESPECTRO program was considered for the purpose of identifying solar irradiance, developed by the Solar Energy Laboratory of the School of Engineering of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ;
The use of private land was considered in the Annual Lease modeling in the State of Minas Gerais, southeast region of Brazil.

Considering the highlights, we can see a macro perspective of Styles Energy business.
Using a beginning example investments we can see this steps and data:

Our investments

There are 3 main divisions of investment for our objective to be achieved.

​And here are 3 main divisions of payments to make the success of project.
Our Partners

Throughout the
development process
and operations in the
Brazilian market, we
cannot fail to mention
our partners in the
projects we have
carried out over time.


Mr. Mendes, Ricardo Horge
+55 (21) 99283-7221
Partner at VOLKO and Stylus Eng. De Automação Ltda. Executive with more than 30 years of experience in Management in the area of Civil and Electrical Engineering.

Mr. Souza, Carlos Alberto de
+55 (24) 98818-0588
Partner at Trust in Business. Renewable. Executive with extensive experience in the areas of Financial Market, economist and Marketing and Commercial, acting as Corporate Commercial Director responsible for the commercialization of all the company's businesses.